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Skin care in winter and cold

How to take care of skin in winter and cold? Skin care in winter and cold is very important.As soon as winter starts, women start worrying about the beauty of their skin and its protection, because skin problems increase in winter as compared to summer.

Skin care tips in cold and winter
Skin care tips in cold and winter 

According to dermatologists, the humidity in the air is relatively low in winter and this condition drains the moisture of the human body and the complaints of dryness and cracking of the skin and lips increase in people. Vinegar, like any other part of the body, dries out in winter. Some people may have dryness due to fungus, which should be treated by a good dermatologist. According to the skin experts, the beauty and radiance of the skin can be glamourised(enhanced) by paying a little attention to the protection of the the skin in(winter) cold weather.

Tips for skin care skin in cold and winter

(1)Use of moisturizer

It is very important to use a very good quality moisturizer in winter. Women with dry skin type should choose a very fine quality moisturizer that provides the required amount of moisture to skin to keep your skin fresh. Sensitive skin needs special attention in winter.Most of the Women with oily skin type generally think that because their skin type is oily, it will not be dry too much in winter and it does not need much(attention) care, although women with oily skin type also, in winter regularly need to use moisturizer and natural ingredients on the skin in order to keep it fresh and moisturised.

(2)Use makeup

Special care should be taken while applying makeup in cold weather. Use a standard moisturizer before applying makeup, so that the skin stays soft and smooth and the makeup does not feel dry and cracked. Dry skin make-up does not blend well, as a result of which it creates a strange impression and the skin also feels rough.

(3)Hot water increases dryness

It is advisable to take a warm bath in winter, but keep in mind that even hot water can cause dryness. Bathing in the basin can also be very beneficial to skin freshness. Mix the some amount of basin with milk or yogurt and apply it on your skin it will be beneficial. It works as an excellent cleanser. To protect the skin, before taking a bath, put a few drops of baby oil or any other oil in water and at the same time it is better to take a bath by massaging the skin with a good oil. In addition, use less soap in winter. Do it, because it reduces the natural moisture.

(4)Soft and supple skin

Dry skin is common in winter. Dryness(Drought) affects the whole body, but the hands and face are usually more affected by being open in air. For this, before going to bed at night, take equal amount of rose liqueur, glycerin and lemon juice, mix some almond and olive oil in it and apply it thoroughly on hands and mouth. It will not dry out and the skin will remain soft, supple and nourished.

(5)Lip protection

Lips are an important and sensitive parts of our face. In this way, everyone's lips remain dry in cold weather, but those whose skin is sensitive, their lips are badly affected. You should use good quality lip balm to solve this problem and to make your lips moisturised. Do not move your tongue on the lips, massage the upper part of the lips before going to bed at night and massage with olive oil during the day. In addition, coconut and almond oil mixed in equal amounts on the lips is also beneficial.

(6)Protecting the skin of the hands

People who have sensitive skin, their skin gets very thin in the cold and winter season. To solve this problem and to get rid of dryness of skin, mix one tablespoon of the rose liqueur with about two tablespoons of glycerin and about one tablespoon of lemon juice and store it in a clean bottle. Massage this onto your skin at night while sleeping and wash with like warm water in the morning, then apply a good lotion. Reduce water use or use gloves in other conditions.

(7)Scalp protection

In winter the skin of the body as well as the skin of the head needs attention. Dryness often increases in this season, the hair looks dull and lifeless, so dry the hair naturally, reduce the use of dryer. Also mix one lemon juice in jasmine oil, massage the cursor well and wash hair after half an hour. Adding a little amount of oil to yogurt and washing your head is also beneficial, healthy and easy tip.Yogurt reduces dryness but one important thing to keep in mind is that in some people use of yogurt increases dryness of skin, if you have any problem like this or related to this do not use yogurt quit its use. 


Everyone wants to enjoy the winter sunshine this season but also remember that too much sun exposure is harmful. If you are feeling very cold and you want to take a sun bath, it is important to apply sunscreen. This will protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun and also protect you from the sun. If you follow these simple useful and awesome tips, protecting your skin in winter will not be a difficult task for you and surely you will get benefits from these simple skin tips

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