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Pulmonary fibrosis, symptoms and causes

Every year September is celebrated around the world to raise awareness of Pulmonary Fibrosis (Lung Diseases), in order to show solidarity with those affected by the disease and take steps to help them. Can be done Social media is widely used to raise awareness about pulmonary fibrosis. You too can play your part in this regard on social media channels.

What is pulmonary fibrosis?

Pulmonary fibrosis is a disease of the lungs that occurs when the lung tissue is damaged and scarred. When the tissues become thick or stiff, the lungs find it difficult to do their job, and as the problem of pulmonary fibrosis progresses, the patient begins to have difficulty breathing. Pulmonary fibrosis can have many main reasons behind the scars on the body lungs, but in most conditions doctors cannot point out that root cause of the problem and when no reason can be found, then this condition is called idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Pulmonary fibrosis
Pulmonary fibrosis 

Damage to the lungs caused by pulmonary fibrosis cannot be reversed, but medication, treatment and symptomatic precautions can help improve quality of life. If the disease becomes very severe, it may be appropriate for some people to have a lung transplant.

Symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis. 

Symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis may include:

(1)Difficulty breathing (dyspnea)

(2)Dry cough


(4)Weight loss will be that is also mainly followed by a lot of fatigue and constant tiredness(less power to work feeling sick)

(5) Spasms in muscles and joints

(6)Hands and toes become wide and round

The symptoms, conditions and severity of (PF) mean pulmonary fibrosis can greatly vary from human to human. Some people get the disease very quickly while it takes months or years for some people to get the disease. Some people find it very difficult to breathe in this disease which can last for many days to weeks and such people can be kept on ventilator. Doctors may also prescribe antibiotics, corticosteroids or other medications to treat this condition.

Causes of pulmonary fibrosis 

Pulmonary fibrosis scarring and thickening of the tissues around and between the alveoli in the lungs. This makes it more difficult for oxygen to pass through the bloodstream. This damage can be caused by a number of different factors, including long-term use of certain toxic substances, certain medical conditions, radiological treatments or side effects of medications. Also, many factory workers The disease can affect people, especially those who work in an environment with silica dust, fiber dust particles, metal dust, coal dust particles, commodity dust, animal and bird waste. ۔ According to researchers, the disease can be caused by smoking and the cause can be hereditary.

Many people suffering from mainly (IDF) idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis may also suffer and have conditions of gastric acidosis (GERD). This is when acid from your stomach returns to your esophagus. An ongoing study is examining whether GERD can be a risk factor for pulmonary fibrosis or whether it can exacerbate the condition. However, a lot more research is needed of the hour to determine the association(relation) between (IDF) idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and GERD.

Influencing factors pulmonary fibrosis

Factors and conditions that make you more susceptible to (PF) pulmonary fibrosis are following:

(i) Age: Although pulmonary fibrosis has been diagnosed in infants and newborns, middle-aged and frail people are more likely to be affected by the disease.

(ii) Gender: Women are more likely than men to have idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

(iii) Smoking: Smokers or people who have quit smoking are more likely to develop pulmonary fibrosis. Patients with emphysema may have pulmonary fibrosis.

(iv) Occupations: People who work in the mining, farming or construction sectors or who are exposed to contaminants that damage the lungs are at higher risk of developing pulmonary fibrosis.

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(v) Cancer treatment: Getting a radioactive treatment on your chest or using chemotherapy drugs can increase the risk of pulmonary fibrosis.

Genetic factors: Some types of pulmonary fibrosis are hereditary and genetic factors may be part of it.

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