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Who Knew? Quick Health Facts You Didn't Know

 Who Knew? Quick Health Facts You Didn't Know

It can be hard to keep up with all the latest health trends, fads, and discoveries when you’re busy juggling work, family, and friends. And since we have so much information available at our fingertips, it’s tempting to simply skim the headlines and stop there. But even those who take the time to read through an article in full often don’t absorb all of the facts about health and nutrition that really matter – especially those that can have long-term effects on your life and your family’s lives. Who Knew?

The way you stand can improve your health

If you've been feeling fatigued and not your best, maybe it's time to pay attention to how you stand. Chances are that standing with proper posture can not only boost your mood but also improve health. And while slouching may be more comfortable, it won't do much for improving blood flow throughout the body or fight off disease. If you're ready to improve how you feel and how long you live for, take a few minutes every day to straighten up!

Soy milk is good for your bones

The study followed 3,681 postmenopausal women for an average of 7.2 years. The researchers found that women who drank one or more servings of soy milk per day had a 47% lower risk of fracture than those who did not drink soy milk at all.

Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and nutrients and are considered an important part of the diet because they can play a role in healthy growth and development. However, when produce is processed or cooked, these valuable nutrients may be lost; this is why it's important to eat your fruits and vegetables raw whenever possible. 

#1: When slicing meat at home, always use plastic utensils as they do not transfer dangerous bacteria from the food onto the knife blade as easily as metal ones do.

Salmon can help your heart health

Have you ever heard that salmon is one of the best fish to eat because it's packed with Omega-3s and vitamin D, but you don't know how good for your heart health this amazing fish can be? Salmon not only contains Omega-3 fatty acids that lower triglycerides, but it also has a reduced risk of inflammation. Inflammation plays a key role in all sorts of diseases including arthritis, cancer, and heart disease. And what do high levels of triglycerides contribute to? Cardiovascular diseases! A study found that those who ate three servings per week had the lowest risk for heart disease. If you're not able to eat at least three servings per week, try these supplements.

A good night's sleep will make us healthier: Just like our cells need enough rest and sleep so they can regenerate and rejuvenate themselves, so does our brain! Sleep deprivation results in low energy, stress, anxiety or depression. Sleep deprivation can result in impaired thinking skills as well as lack of motivation; both critical components when it comes to optimal performance at work or school.

Avocados can prevent cancer

Did you know that avocados can help prevent cancer and other diseases too? Avocados are full of vitamins C, E, A, potassium, and folic acid which promote a healthy heart. Also because avocados are so rich in antioxidants they can help with chronic pain, migraines and arthritis. They also protect against certain types of cancers such as prostate cancer due to the high content of folate. Add avocado to your diet by including it in everything from guacamole to sandwiches!

Moths are often confused with butterflies

It's not as though moths have been forgotten about, but many people think that butterflies are moths and that both are the same thing. This couldn't be further from the truth! Here are some quick facts about what makes them different.

Moths generally have more in common with frogs than they do with any other living creature - including other moths. They can produce croaks and high-pitched sounds, which is the reason they're often confused for being a type of frog. Moth wings are never still, whereas butterfly wings typically remain still while they wait to take flight.

Choose organic when you can

-In 2006, the World Health Organization announced that pesticide exposure was a risk factor for cancer. -Dioxins and PCBs can contaminate beef and dairy foods, as they are stored in the fat of animals. -Strawberries contain more pesticides than any other fruit or vegetable in the U.S., with a whopping 29 different chemicals used to grow them! Choose organic whenever possible!

Did you know about these body functions?

-Nails grow six times faster than hair, which grows about a half inch per month.

-Skin cells are created and die at the rate of approximately twenty thousand cells per minute. 

-You have a new stomach lining every three days. 

-The length of your intestines is long enough to stretch from your mouth to your anus.

Toenails don’t make themselves!

One key fact that few people know about: toenails don’t make themselves. Toenails are actually a hard outer covering that grows out from the nail bed at the end of each toe. Nail beds are skin folds and hair-free regions of the skin (in some places) which serve as protective coverings for nails and fingers. The nail bed lies beneath layers of tissue called the nail matrix, in which cells divide and push older cells up toward the surface where they will eventually be pushed away. This is an ongoing process—as old cells are pushed away, new ones move in to replace them so you always have healthy nails.

Chilli peppers increase metabolism

Chilli peppers contain a compound called capsaicin that can boost your metabolism by up to 20%. When it's consumed, the body increases temperature levels, burns more calories and causes the feeling of fullness. Capsaicin also activates receptors that decrease appetite. So next time you're feeling a little hungry, add some chilli pepper to your diet!

Everyday habits kill brain cells

You might want to make sure you take a few minutes to think about your everyday habits and what they could be doing to your brain. Studies show that as little as one hour of extra thinking every day will kill up to 1,000 brain cells over the course of a year. However, this is not necessarily bad; it all depends on whether or not you are happy with who you are and where you have come from. On top of that, taking an extra five minutes for lunch or 10-minute walk can do wonders for your mood and make it easier to concentrate in the long run. So how does exercise help your memory? Well, according to a study done by Harvard University, physical activity boosts levels of chemicals called BDNFs (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) which promote neurogenesis (the production of new neurons).

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