5 Sales Scripts That Will Make You an Insurance Selling Machine
The insurance sales industry is one of the most competitive on the planet, and it’s likely to remain that way in the coming years. To succeed as an insurance salesperson, you need to be able to effectively convince customers that your product will benefit them and their business, which can be difficult if you don’t have a proven sales script to work from. If you’re feeling at all confused about how to sell insurance products and services, here are five super-effective sales scripts that will make you an insurance selling machine.
Benefits Statement
No matter what your background is, you can get the job done. The hardest part about insurance sales is figuring out how to talk to people about what we do. Luckily, there are scripts out there that make it easier. These 5 scripts will give you a jump start on your path to becoming a force in the insurance world. -The discussion Starter This script helps you with getting started with a client by asking them simple questions like: How many cars do you have? or What's your home address? With this script, all of the information gathering gets done early so when it comes time for quotes and plans, they know exactly what they need.
-Quote Presentation Script - In this example of a quote presentation script, someone who's not familiar with insurance is likely to ask for clarification about some of the language in the contract. Use this script as an opportunity to demonstrate how thorough and well informed their agent is! They'll be less likely to question any other parts of the contract once they realize just how knowledgeable their agent is.
Closing Statement
1. As your representative, I want to offer you a company that is committed to providing the best products and services that meets your needs. We want to make sure you have the right coverage at the best possible price and can rest assured that with us, we're always looking out for you. 2. What are some of the most important things for you when it comes to finding a new insurance policy? 3. Are there any things about this particular plan or about any other plans you're considering now that give you pause? 4. I'm happy to answer any questions so don't hesitate to ask me! 5. Lastly, please take some time now and look over our website and let me know if there's anything else I can do for you today. Thank you again for coming in and thank you again for trusting in our agency. The focus here is on establishing a strong connection with the customer and reassuring them they've made the right decision by choosing The Agency. These scripts also establish trust, honesty, expertise, and flexibility. They show empathy as well as concern while staying professional - these qualities will help customers feel more comfortable giving their financial information to someone they don't know which will increase conversions significantly.
Policy Specific Complimentary Information
Best Life Insurance- In order to get the best coverage, I recommend looking for your carrier's top rated plans. Their products are rigorously scrutinized to ensure they provide you with quality coverage while also keeping premiums low.
Life Quotes- For more information on your rate, a lot of carriers provide online quotes that will show you the cost and provisions for your plan. Some companies will even let you know the total cost upfront, which gives you more transparency into the process. All in all, you want to be sure that your premium is fair when it comes to what you're getting out of it. For example, we offer discounts for policyholders who take care of their health by visiting their doctor twice a year or visiting their dentist twice a year. These are things most people do anyways but can result in savings in insurance rates! If you're currently shopping around for life insurance policies, consider visiting us next time! Our website has all the information you need about our company, our agents, and our contact info. Whether you have any questions about car insurance or home insurance, our agents would love to answer them! We're available 24/7 via phone call, email, live chat session and office visit so there's no reason not to stop by today!
Homeowner’s Policy Details: One great thing about homeowner’s policies is that they cover theft of property as well as vandalism of both your home and its contents. Theft coverage generally covers up to $25,000 in personal belongings such as clothing, jewelry and electronics if someone breaks into your house at night.
Introductory Pricing
The idea of buying insurance is something that always stresses people out. The process can seem overwhelming and take up a lot of time. Yet the amount of money you may spend for your policy might actually be much lower than what it would cost to have that problem happen and not have insurance at all.
But there's so many types of policies, it's hard to know which one is right for you. Let me give you some options to consider. (1) I hear that Term Life Insurance isn't expensive, but it only covers you in case something happens. If I get hit by a bus tomorrow, my family will be taken care of with enough money from my life insurance policy. (2) What about whole life? Whole life provides a bit more coverage than term, meaning if I die before my policy ends then my beneficiaries will receive either the cash value or paid-up premium depending on which option I choose. However, that also means it's more expensive too. It sounds like this is important to you because if something were to happen now then your loved ones would still be okay financially. So maybe whole life would make sense for you.
But again, we're talking about hundreds of dollars each month for something that might never happen! So how do we decide what makes sense here? Well luckily there are two other things we can talk about: Death Benefit and Accidental Death Coverage; they're both very cheap compared to whole life coverage!