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10 Shocking Health Facts You should Know

 10 Shocking Health Facts

It may be challenging to stay current with all of the knowledge available due to the frequent publication of research on health and fitness.

 While some of the results are just reiterations of long-standing health recommendations, others are a bit more startling. These 10 surprising health facts are listed below.


Coffee Can Help With Depression

Although caffeine is often mentioned as having harmful effects on human health, it also has certain benefits. According to research from the Harvard School of Public Health, women who consume at least four cups of coffee daily may reduce their risk of depression by 20%. A previous study discovered that women who drank two or more cups per day had a lower suicide risk.


Gum Chewing Increases Alertness

Try chewing some gum to feel more alert if you're experiencing a mid-afternoon slump or are having trouble focusing in the morning. Researchers from Coventry University discovered that chewing gum with a mint flavor significantly reduced fatigue. Another research on the topic discovered that chewing gum may lower stress and anxiety levels, boost memory by 35%, and increase overall test performance.

Sitting at a desk may almost double the risk of death.

Beware, office employees. According to a study from the University of Sydney, persons who sit at their desk for more than 10 hours a day have a 48% higher chance of dying than those who just sit for four or fewer. Try to add five minutes of movement per hour and make sure you take frequent breaks away from your workplace to reduce this health risk. Making little adjustments to your routine, such as choosing the stairs over the elevator, will have a good impact on your health.


Both public restrooms and ATMs are filthy

The majority of us often use cash machines to withdraw money, but how many of us wash our hands afterward? British cleanliness testing revealed that ATMs were just as filthy as restrooms. Swab samples from the surrounding public restrooms and the cash machine keyboards were both proven to have the same germs that might cause illness after being examined by specialists.


Being optimistic may help you live longer.

A Duke University Medical Center research found that cardiac patients who were more upbeat about their care actually survived longer than those who were more downbeat. People who are optimistic also have a lower risk of developing heart disease, according to research results published in the European Heart Journal.


For Claustrophobia Prevention, Smell An Apple

A daily apple may assist alleviate claustrophobia in addition to keeping the doctor at bay. According to study from the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, smelling a green apple may help reduce tension related to tight quarters. In addition to preventing headaches and migraines, inhaling the aroma of a green apple may make a property seem larger to prospective buyers.


If you're worn out, Exercise

Going to the gym after a hard day at work is probably the last thing on your list of priorities, yet research shows that physical activity really increases energy. A 30-minute session of moderate intensity exercise reduced levels of exhaustion and depression, according to a research published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. This is due to the fact that exercise improves cardiovascular health, increasing blood and oxygen flow throughout the body and providing you with more energy.


You Won't Get A Flat Stomach From Sit-Ups

Many individuals make the mistake of believing that doing crunches would give them a flat tummy. However, the fact is that doing infinite repetitions of crunches won't give you the stomach of your dreams since they just target your abs and not your core muscles. One research indicated that doing abdominal workouts for six weeks did not effectively decrease abdominal fat. This study was published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.


Things for Handwriting Can Improve Memory

According to Indiana University research, handwritten notes are more likely to be remembered than typed ones. As taking notes by hand demands different cognitive processes than typing, writing is said to improve memory. For instance, if you are taking notes during a lecture, you must pay close attention to the speaker's words since it is hard to jot down everything they say. As a result, you are listening, processing, and summarizing the information more efficiently via this procedure than someone who is just inputting words into a laptop.


Take A Hot Drink To Cool Down

Even though it may seem counterintuitive, drink something hot if you want to chill down. Research from the Human Kinetics department at the University of Ottawa found that when the drink is hotter than your body temperature, it causes a sweating response that more than makes up for the temperature rise. A hot drink will consequently make you sweat more, which will help your body cool down more quickly even if it may first make you feel hotter.

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