Positive effects of coffee
In most countries of the world, 'coffee' is preferred over tea. According to a survey, more than one and a half billion cups of coffee are consumed worldwide every day and it is also the most consumed beverage in Europe. Talking about Pakistan, the majority of people here are fond of tea, but with the passage of time, the trend of drinking coffee is also increasing.
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Positive effects of coffee |
Various studies have shown that both these drinks have positive effects on health, but it is important to note that excessive consumption of any of these items can be harmful to health, so it is better to drink these drinks in moderation. is better.
By the way, the history of coffee is very old, but in the modern era, Italy is famous all over the world for producing different types of coffee products. A large number of coffee drinkers are fond of drinking a type of coffee called Cappuccino, which is prepared by mixing equal amounts of coffee and milk.
Since the onset of winter, a large number of coffee lovers visit the cafe and enjoy the various and excellent flavors of coffee. Even in restaurants, a large number of customers seem to opt for a Capa Chino after their meal.
Passion and positive effects of drinking 'coffee'
Benefits of coffee
If food items look good and taste good, but cause more harm than good to health, then people are hesitant and confused about eating or drinking them. It is good news for coffee drinkers that coffee has many benefits if consumed in moderation. It is as tasty as it is beneficial, let's know about it.
* According to British medical experts, drinking 3 to 5 cups of coffee daily reduces the risk of liver cancer or liver failure by 40%. A Dutch scientist says that the use of coffee and herbal tea prevents liver disease from 'Cirrhosis'. This disease is also fatal.
There is a substance called caffeine in coffee which increases brain performance. Drinking coffee rejuvenates the brain cells, they generate more energy which keeps the mind healthy and energetic. Some of the benefits of coffee to the mind include improved memory and faster reaction times.
According to a Harvard University study, women who drink four or more cups of coffee a day have a 20% lower risk of depression.
According to medical experts, coffee drinkers are protected from asthma, wheezing and other respiratory problems. The caffeine present in it has an amazing ability to cure respiratory diseases.
* The results of a study conducted on coffee in the American College of Physicians have shown that the age of men who consume coffee increases by 20% and the age of women increases by 26%.
Positive effects of drinking coffee on health
'Coffee Art' presentation
Restaurants and luxury hotels around the world do as much to introduce different and innovative flavors as they do to make food presentations unique to impress customers. For a chef, creating delicious dishes and presenting them in the best possible way is as important as the process of making them because if something looks good, it will definitely taste good too.
Coffee art is also a way to inspire coffee drinkers. You must have seen many unique videos or pictures of coffee art on social media and internet, which are very popular all over the world including Pakistan.
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In this regard, the artists are of the opinion that usually drinking coffee is considered a favorite process, if there are beautiful pictures and art samples on top of the coffee in the cup, then the enjoyment of drinking it is doubled.
With the help of metal rod and food colors as artwork, unique art designs including cartoon characters, natural scenes and other shapes are created on the top surface of the coffee, leaving the viewers in awe.