8 Shocking Fun Facts About Exercising That Will Make You Want to Hit the Gym Right Now
It’s no secret that exercising regularly leads to better health and overall happiness, but did you know that exercise has been linked to some pretty shocking benefits? From making you happier to helping you live longer, here are eight of the most shocking facts about exercise that will make you want to hit the gym right now!
1) The benefits of exercise are proven, but you don’t have to do it all at once
It can be difficult at first to stay motivated, especially if you have a hectic schedule. We know what you're thinking: I don't have time for this! But trust us-there are plenty of things you can do throughout your day that will help make up for not being able to put in a full workout. From getting up from your desk every half hour, doing twenty squats at home, or making an excuse for taking the stairs-your healthy routine starts now! It’s never too late to start working out and here are some reasons why it’s important to get moving.
1) Better sleep quality
2) Improved mood
3) Increased sex drive
4) Greater energy levels
5) Decreased anxiety and depression
2) Exercise really does boost your immune system
Exercise isn't just about increasing your muscle mass or looking good for others. A study published in a 2012 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that long-term exercise can increase a person's natural killer cells, also known as CD16 cells. These immune cells work by recognizing cancerous and diseased cells in your body and eradicating them. In a study that followed 175 breast cancer patients for 18 months, women who exercised showed a significant increase in CD16 cells which resulted in an increase in their immune system’s ability to protect them from cancer recurrence. The only way you'll know if exercise is right for you is to try it: There are plenty of people out there who say they don't like working out. And while it's true that not everyone enjoys exercising, chances are they're just trying the wrong types of workouts. It all comes down to knowing what type of activity will suit your personality best. For example, if you're introverted and like to be alone then yoga might be perfect for you! If you're more extroverted then boxing or CrossFit may be a better option for you.
3) There’s no one best way to exercise, just a good way for you
Exercise is a critical component of healthy living, but it can feel complicated. A fitness instructor might tell you one thing, while an expert in another field would advise you differently. With so many opinions and mixed messages, how do you know what's best for your own health?
The good news is that there's no wrong way to work out. There are many routes to fitness success as long as you're doing something that gets your heart rate up for at least twenty minutes on most days of the week. It's also important to remember that some workouts may not be suitable for everyone. Keep these 8 facts in mind before embarking on your next workout session:
1) Running burns six times more calories than walking—and feels less boring than sitting on the couch!
2) If you walk briskly or run at a moderate pace, two miles will take about 25-30 minutes. If you go even faster, your two miles will only take 15-20 minutes! And this doesn't mean you have to run or walk fast all the time.
4) Always warm up before exercise – and cool down afterwards
Warming up properly can help reduce injuries, while cooling down and stretching afterwards helps avoid stiffness. A warm-up should get your blood flowing, raise your heart rate and increase body temperature. You can use low intensity or non-weight bearing exercises like skipping or jogging on the spot. A good cool down will involve decreasing intensity (for example a jog to a walk) and slowing down your movements gradually until you are static again. It's also worth looking after your muscles with static stretches after workouts.
Beginners – follow this routine: * 10 minute brisk walk * 30 minutes of light stationary cycling * 20 lunges * 10 press ups * 10 squats
Advanced – try adding on two sets of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) in their workout day!
5) Yoga is great exercise, but it also helps with flexibility and core strength
Yoga is not just a work out, it also improves flexibility and core strength. It has been proven that when done regularly, yoga can help relieve back pain, too. Yoga poses are usually done with a sequence of three or more poses in order for them to be effective for strengthening and improving flexibility. The posture is held for a few breaths and then switched after anywhere from ten seconds to two minutes. This simple routine will work your whole body.
6) Do more when exercising if you want faster results
Hit the gym hard and make sure you mix up your workouts. If you want faster results, change it up every few weeks and try a different routine, new exercise, or workout app. Give your muscles variety so they don't get bored and stagnate. They will stay stimulated by changing exercises or routines every six weeks or so. Don't worry about getting bulky: Lean muscle is denser than fat, so there's no need to worry about getting bulky. Don't give up: As tough as it may be at times, keep going! Quitting won't help you lose weight. Keep at it and remember that each day is a step closer to success!
7) A physical activity makes you happier!
Physical activity may be just what you need to put a pep in your step. Findings from recent studies have found that physical activity makes people feel happier. In fact, for many, being physically active may produce greater happiness than taking a break and not doing anything. And with summer around the corner, it's time to put on those flip-flops and head outdoors!
8) Break up your exercise into manageable chunks
1. There are so many different ways to exercise these days! From yoga and running, to swimming and rock climbing.
2. Every day is a new opportunity for you to be active, get some exercise, and give your body a good workout!
3. Intense workouts can actually make you feel better overall-- studies show that it provides you with more energy and reduces stress levels.
4. One hour of intense cardio will burn between 500-1000 calories in a session -- who doesn't want that?